Sara Daneshpour, piano


From 2010-2016, I was very fortunate to be part of Astral Artists, which is a non- profit organization that helps promote the young artists’ career. However, not only does Astral help propel the career of artists, but they instill in us the value of being an active and integral member of society. One of the great aspects of being part of such an organization was the ability to go to schools in communities that did not have access to classical music and exposing the youth to art and stimulating their minds in the process. As a musician, it is very crucial for me to share my love and the education that I have been blessed with, studying at various conservatories. Performing and conversing with the students about music and what it meant to be a musician helped them gain insight about classical music. Everyday I am reminded of their eagerness and thirst to learn as I sit behind the piano. This crystallized in me the value of sharing your education and its ability to connect and grow communities.